
Why post on Google My Business?

Do you manage your business online presence across Google? That’s exactly what a Google My Business (GMB) profile lets you do.

The dashboard is user friendly and you want to make sure your profile is set up and optimised with the latest details.

While your customers can view reviews and see photos on your GMB, they can also see your public posts. You can publish posts about your brand, offers, events, products and services.

These posts appear in two places: Google Maps and in a search under your business’s information section in the sidebar.

When creating a social media plan or posting on your social media channels you should include your GMB. The only difference compared to social media posts is that your audience cannot share, comment or react to the post. 

man typing into google on a laptop

Why you should post on GMB: 

  • Brand awareness

Just like social media, your posts on GMB are great for communicating directly to your audience. They’ll be able to get a feel for your company and what you're about with the content you post.

  • Reach a wider audience

When you post on your GMB it increases your visibility which means more people will find you. Posting on GMB is another method to market your business on Google - take advantage of it!

  • Improve local SEO

Provide easy access to your business information including opening times, address and updates through GMB posts, this will help strengthen your local SEO. Also, since GMB is tied to search and Google Maps, you’ll rank better for local keywords.

  • Cost-effective 

Creating and setting up a GMB account is free for businesses. It allows your audience to quickly view your business information and other details. 

  • Promote for free

Posing on GMB doesn’t cost and is quick and easy. A lot of scheduling tools also allow you to connect your account to their platform making posting across all your channels more efficient. 

REMEMBER: post regularly and keep your GMB details up to date.

Every business should be utilising GMB. It helps you build authority online and is another outlet in which you can reach more people who can potentially become customers. 

Make sure the posts you publish are high quality and remember to use their CTAs to give people direction on your posts. With all content, it’s also important that your posts add value and make sure the posts are succinct (they're not blogs!). 

Bear in mind to attend to the other features on GMB including replying to reviews, posting answers to frequently asked questions and uploading images. 

google maps with a pin point on a local butchers


If you’re looking for help with your SEO or social media posting, we have an experienced team to help you achieve your goals. 

22Group specialise in branding, website design & development and marketing for every industry. Whether you are starting out for the first time or looking to update, we can help. 

To find out more about our services or ask any questions, we’d love to have a chat with you - get in touch.


Lead magnet examples

Lead magnets are a fantastic way to get sales leads. They are used as a marketing tool where something free is exchanged for contact details, it could be a free item or service.

An email list that consists of leads is undeniably very useful. You know they are qualified and more likely to be interested in your product or service. 

People don’t just give their details away for anything so your lead magnet needs to be something that provides value to the customer and is of interest to them - it also helps to drive awareness of your brand and business. 

fingers typing in their information in exchange for a free download

Here are some examples of lead magnets: 

  • A guide

Create a guide that helps your customers learn more about what goes on, it could be a how-to or step-by-step guide. 

  • Ebook

Help your customer understand a topic, service or product with a useful digital book. 

  • Webinar

Webinars are great for reaching far and wide. They’re engaging and if they involve a Q&A session they become incredibly useful for your audience. 

  • Templates

Make your customers’ lives easier with templates. It increases efficiency and means they don’t have to start from scratch. 

  • Product samples 

Entice your customers with a trial or sample of your product. They could be sitting on the fence about purchasing and your sample could seal the deal. 

  • Training videos

Is your product or service complex to use? Training videos allow your customers to understand you better and once they see it in action, it can help them make a decision. 

As a digital agency, we see lead magnets being of great value and recommend having them on your website. 

Top Tip: make it relevant to the specific web page, it will ensure it resonates with your targeted audience. 

shopping card and shopping bag

I’ve got their details, now what? 

Once your customer has signed up or downloaded your lead magnet, you have established a relationship.

Your next steps should involve nurturing them to convert. Keep in mind that it’s rare for it to happen overnight and that it can take some time.

Using email marketing and nurture campaigns are greatly recommended. With a nurture campaign, emails are sent out over time to remind and motivate your audience to buy or use your service. 

They might decide to take some form of action from the nurture campaign, which is what you want. It could be clicking on a link leading them to finish purchasing or it could be getting in touch and further enquiring about your product or service. 

Top Tip: Don’t forget to update your lead magnets. No one is going to download something that is outdated and irrelevant. 

22 Group

We are a Manchester based digital agency offering three vital services: branding, web design & development and marketing

Whether you are looking to have a website created with downloadable lead magnets, brochures designed or copy written for your lead magnet, we can help. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our services and how we can help please get in touch


Haunting marketing mistakes

Don’t wake up screaming in the night because you’ve made a haunting marketing mistake that could cost you. 

When you market your business, service or product you want to stand out and be seen. Taking risks is all part of marketing but making sure they’re the right ones can be challenging. 

To help you avoid any haunting mistakes, here are 10 marketing mistakes often made by businesses:

1.Not using social media

Whatever industry you are in, you should be using social media. Not necessarily every single platform out there but definitely have an online presence. It’s expected and standard these days. 

2. Making it about yourself

You want customers to buy your product or service, right? Then you need to listen to them and sell them what they need, don’t make it all about you and what you can do. This goes for your marketing content too, provide valuable content. 

3. Not shouting about your USP

Your USP is what makes you different to your competitors, make sure you’re shouting about this through your marketing. 

4. Not willing to invest

With any investment, you put money in to receive more back. It’s the same with your marketing, if you don't put any money into it you can’t always expect high returns. 

5. Targeting everyone and anyone

Not defining your target audience could mean your marketing is all over the place and you’re sending mixed messages to your audience.

6. Not publishing blog content

There’s no doubt blogs should be in your marketing plan, blogs are useful in so many ways. From SEO to content for your social media, make sure you’re writing them.

7. Forgetting videos

Video content is on the rise due to popularity. They don’t need to be long, they can be short and snappy but it is important to include videos in your marketing plan.

8. Not utilising email marketing

Email marketing is an incredibly cost-effective method of marketing and to this day is still a valuable marketing tool. Don't underestimate it.

9. No call to action

Your goal is to achieve more sales, if your marketing activity doesn’t have a call to action how will your customers know what to do?  

10. Unwilling to adapt

Change is inevitable, if you’re unwilling to adapt or change when something happens you’re going to be left behind and seen as outdated. Take the pandemic, for example, a lot of companies had to reevaluate their online presence. 

After reading through that list, we hope you’ve managed to identify that you don’t do any of them or you realise this is somewhere that needs improvement - mistakes happen. 

misty forrest

22Group are a team of talented web designers, branding experts and marketers. We offer bespoke solutions and can help you achieve success. We’d love to help and have a chat with you - get in touch


Importance of videos on social media

Whatever social media platform you’re browsing, you're bound to come by a video. Especially with the introduction of TikTok and the lockdowns we had when staying in was the new going out, more and more video content became available. 

Have you noticed or maybe you’re already familiar with the button at the bottom of your screen when you’re on the Facebook app where it says ‘Watch’ or on Instagram where you can go straight to watching Reels.

Have you found yourself scrolling on TikTok for hours or watching YouTube video after YouTube video? It’s been a long time since social media was just text or images.

Even out of the lockdowns, video content is still a big hit and there are several reasons why businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and producing more and more of it. 

Importance of videos: 

  • Grab your audience’s attention

Videos are great for capturing attention. The start of your video should indicate what it’s about and leave the viewer wanting more. 

Also, video content on social media is great for turning your information into digestible content - easier for the audience to consume. 

  • They encourage conversation

When you provide content that is on-trend or about a popular topic you’re encouraging conversation, opinions and people to engage with your video. 

  • Humanise your brand

By personifying your brand and showing your audience the people and processes behind your business, you’re gaining trust. 

  • Videos are popular

Even pre-pandemic, videos were gaining popularity across all social media platforms. Video is one of the most effective ways to deliver engaging and entertaining content. 

  • Appeal to the Gen Z audience

Gen Z has very much been connected to the internet compared to others and use it for not only entertainment purposes but education as well. 

The introduction and growth of TikTok has become incredibly popular due to this. The user-generated short videos have a great appeal and it’s why many businesses are hopping onto this platform as well. 

  • Can be repurposed 

Quality videos may be more of an investment in terms of time and money but they can be used across all social media platforms, shortened to be put onto Instagram or Facebook stories.

phone filming a video

If you haven’t started creating video content, it’s time to start planning now. It’s a great storytelling tool so share your brand, product or service, industry knowledge and provide entertainment.

There are some category ideas you can use!

About 22Group 

22Group are a digital agency providing all your website, branding and marketing needs under one roof. 

Our fantastic team of experts are on hand to help you deliver successful results. We’re happy to answer any questions or have a chat about any projects - get in touch.


National Tell a Joke Day

National Tell a Joke Day is coming up on Monday, 16th of August, so we’ve searched far and wide to find the digital related jokes that made us laugh the most. 

Jokes about websites

  • Grandmothers are like websites
    • They keep telling you to accept their cookies
  • I was placed under arrest for downloading the whole Wikipedia website
    • I told the officer “Wait! I can explain everything!”
  • What is the most common job amongst spiders?
    • Web design
  • How do you comfort a JavaScript bug?
    • You console it

Jokes about branding

  • How do you deliver fonts? 
    • By Courier
  • Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF
  • Two fonts walk into a bar
    • The bartender says “we don’t serve your type here”. They called the Serif.
  • I’m very font of you because you are just my type.

Jokes about marketing

  • Why are SEO experts always late to work? 
    • They love traffic
  • Why did the marketer get fired as a tap dancer?
    • They wanted to get paid per click
  • Why was the SEO guru upset when she found out she was going to have twins? 
    • Duplicate content
  • I made a joke about organic reach on Facebook
    • … nobody got it
laughing crying emoji on an iphone

Ok, they might not of all had you laughing your socks off but we hope they put a smile on your face! 

Share the laughter and send on some of these jokes.

Great websites, branding and marketing are no joke to us. If you need help in creating or refreshing yours then get in touch with us today.


Social media scheduler

Wimbledon is back this year and it got us thinking, is the ball in your court? Social media marketing can be a handful when you’re on several platforms. Keeping up with social media dates as well as trending topics and conversations is constant. Do you use a social media scheduler? 

Planning in advance is a great way to get on top. There are certain dates in the year that don’t change like Christmas and there are also social media calendar dates too like National Siblings Day. 

It’s great if you’re able to get ahead with creating assets or even what the caption for a post will be, but where can you put it to ensure you don’t forget when the time comes? 

That’s where social media schedulers step in. They’re there to make your life easier, help with planning and even execute the posting so if you’re busy elsewhere or don’t have the time on the day, the post is done for you. 

notebook and post-it notes for noting down social media scheduling plans

Why use one? 

  • Manage multiple accounts

Instead of logging in and out of different social media accounts, manage them in one place. Login once and see all your accounts from there. 

  • Save time

As well as logging into one place, if you’re doing the same post across all channels, many will allow you to select those accounts instead of individually posting.

  • Visually see your schedule

If you’ve been planning ahead and already put posts in your schedule, check and visually see all your posts on a calendar or similar format. You’ll be able to see if you already have posts going out that day or see how many are planned to go out that week or month. 

  • More than scheduling

A lot of the social media schedulers go beyond scheduling. To help with engagement or other parts of your digital marketing there can be other tools like a keyword researcher to help with SEO. 

  • Analyse results

Want to find ways to improve your digital marketing? You’ll be able to monitor and see results and after some time you can then see what might need to change or what is working. 

How to choose one? 

There are many social media scheduler platforms out there so you’re probably asking yourself “How do I choose one?”. 

They’re not all the same so there are some questions to ask yourself to help choose: 

  • What is your budget? 
  • Which social media platforms do you use the most?
  • How many people will need access to it? 

Most of the scheduling tools will have a USP and that might be that they specifically tailor more to one platform than another. 

22 group employees discussing social media scheduling

Downsides of schedulers? 

Although they sound great, like most things there are downsides:

  • Instagram 

A popular platform that is very app focused. There is restricted functionality outside of the app for scheduling posts on the grid, IGTVs and Instagram stories. 

Stories have become increasingly popular with many saying they prefer to watch stories than scroll their home feed. Do thoroughly check when a scheduling tool mentions you can schedule Instagram stories because there might be an asterisk mentioning it doesn’t publish it but reminds you to do so. 

  • Number of users

When looking at the pricing plans for different social media scheduling platforms, you most likely just look at their price per month. If you have a few people that need to use the platform, check the number of users allowed. On a lot of plans, they just allow 1 user on the platform at a time and anymore incurs extra charges. 

  • Full functionality

Social media platforms are advanced and constantly changing making them complex. Unfortunately, the scheduling tools might not be able to do absolutely everything you’re looking for. Whether that be posting videos on some platforms or creating Facebook carousel posts.

Most of the scheduling tools offer free trials or demos, we highly recommend making use of these so you can see what it’s like using the platform. 

  • Limitation with the free option

You may be a small business owner or just need a little help. A few of the scheduling tools offer a free option however, it is very limited in what you can do. This could simply be the number of social media accounts you can have on the platform or how many posts you can schedule. 

diary and pencil for writing down social media plan

What can 22Group help with?

If you are struggling with your social media marketing, whether that be keeping on top of it, generating content or creating visuals, we can help!

Our talented and experienced marketing team are passionate and proactive when it comes to social media marketing.

Ready to get started or want to learn more? Get in touch.


Promote feature on Instagram

With algorithms on Instagram making it increasingly harder to reach your organic audience, have you been thinking about putting money behind your Instagram post? The promote feature on Instagram allows you to do this. 

This can be done directly on the app - along with anything else Instagram related, it is generally easiest done through the app. 

In the past few years, Instagram has seen a big increase in users and the app itself has developed to compete and improve its offerings.

instagram app open on an iphone on a table

How do I create a promotion on Instagram? 

The first thing to check is that your Instagram profile is set up as a business profile. 

Click ‘Promotions’ on your profile and from there you can select a post to promote. Another way to do it is if you have already created the post, there is a button on the bottom right of the image that says ‘Promote’ and when you click on it you’ll see the following steps:

Step 1: Set a goal

What do you want to achieve from your promotion? There are three options to choose from: more profile visits, more website visits or more messages.

Step 2: Define your audience

You have a choice between ‘Automatic’ or ‘Create your own’, an automatic audience means Instagram will target people similar to your followers. If you choose to create your own, you just need to choose locations, interests, age and gender.  

Step 3: Choose your budget and duration

Once you select how much you want to spend and for how long, you can see your estimated reach.

When reviewing your promotion choices at the last stage, you can preview your ad on Feeds, Stories or the Explore page.

Then just click ‘Create Promotion’. 

Pretty simple right? It’s similar to boosting a post on Facebook. On Facebook, you actually get the choice when you boost your post if you want it displayed on Instagram too. 

lady scrolling through instagram on her phone

Is it worth promoting on Instagram? 

If you are looking to improve your reach and brand awareness, then yes, promoting is definitely an option you should be looking at. Promoting on Instagram will help improve your vanity metrics - increase your likes and follower count.

Additionally, promoting on Instagram only takes a few clicks and is easy to use. Compared to creating a Facebook Ad, there are a lot fewer steps to advertising. 

What’s the drawback?

We mentioned there were more steps in creating a Facebook Ad, this is because there are more sophisticated advertising options. 

From selecting your goal to targeting your audience, you can be very specific about it whereas promoting on Instagram is vaguer. In addition, when creating a Facebook Ad you can reach more than one audience at once. If you want to see if your post does better with men or women, this testing can be conducted but not with promoting on Instagram.

hands pointing to a laptop screen evaluation an instagram and facebook ad

If you didn’t know much about promoting on Instagram or didn’t even realise it was possible we hope this has helped you to understand it. 

If you’re interested in advertising on Facebook, read our Facebook Ads vs. Boost blog where we explore the differences, benefits and when to use which one. 

What can 22Group help with?

We have a talented and experienced marketing team who can help you create social media adverts. From creating the assets, writing the content to reporting on how it performed, we’re here to help. 

Ready to get started or want to learn more? Get in touch


Facebook Ads vs. Boost

Trying to reach more people or promote your Facebook posts? Heard about Facebook Ads and using the boost feature but not sure what the difference is? Or how to choose which one?

Both boosting and creating a Facebook Ad are advertisements since they both require a budget to reach a wider audience.

Let’s bring it back to basics and break them down. We're going to explore the difference, benefits and learn when best to use which one. 

iphone with the facebook app showing 2 notifications

What does it mean to boost? 

To boost on Facebook is putting money behind an organic post. This is the easiest and fastest way to advertise on Facebook. Choose the target audience, the amount of money to put behind the ad and how long you want it to run. 

When you have boosted a post it appears on your audience’s newsfeed as an advert mentioning ‘Sponsored’. Additionally, you can choose to advertise that post on Instagram. 

What is a Facebook Ad? 

A Facebook Ad is created through Ads Manager and has advanced customised options for a user to choose from. 

When creating an ad there are many campaign objectives to choose from. The three main categories are awareness, consideration and conversion. Match your objective to your business goals and target specific audiences.

So, what’s the main difference?

Boosting a Facebook post allows you to improve page likes, comments, shares and overall brand awareness whereas a Facebook Ad allows you to do more, optimise website conversions, shop orders, video views and more.

Benefits of using the boost feature

  • It’s quick - the option to boost is prevalent and you can choose the options of your ad in a few clicks.
  • Easy to use - boosting a post only takes a few steps and all options are completed on one page.
  • Targeting - choose a specific audience or where you would like to target. Pick their interest, age and gender. 

Benefits of using Facebook Ads

  • Choose your ad placement - boosting gives you the option to advertise on Instagram but when creating a Facebook Ad, you can select from multiple different placements including Messenger ads, Instagram stories, Instant articles and more.
  • Specify ad objectives - by defining your ad objective early on you can align it to your business goals.
  • Creative control - when creating an ad there are more features than boosting, you can add specific descriptions and choose how you want your post to be shown.
  • Advanced targeting - with additional options like selecting Lookalike Audiences, you have more options and control over who will see your advertised post. 
facebook ads manager showing results and a graph of an advert

Which one should I use? 

Deciding on what you want to achieve with your advertisement is how you’ll decide which one to use. If you’re looking to maximise visibility and grow your audience then boosting a post is suited but if you’re wanting more control and advanced ad features creating a Facebook Ad is the way to go.

It’s always worth noting that Facebook regularly updates and changes the way they let people advertise on their platform, or even just the layout of creating ads. Keep an eye out!

How 22Group can help you 

Our team is filled with talented people who can help you take care of your Facebook Ads and look after your social media. From creating assets to reporting on how an ad performed, we’re here to help. 

Ready to get started or want to learn more? Get in touch.


Benefits of email marketing

Some people think email marketing is dying out, but how many times do you check your emails? How many times have you clicked on an email that offered a promotion? Or opened an email because it contained some useful information about new store policies due to COVID-19?

With an abundance of devices at our disposal - smartphones, tablets, laptops - we’re checking our emails daily. 

A major benefit of email marketing is that it’s an incredibly cost-effective method of marketing. It really is still one of the most valuable and powerful marketing tools a company can have. 

bag and man looking at his emails on his iphone

So, what are the benefits of email marketing: 

  • Create targeted content

The content you put in your emails can be very specific and relate to the targeted audience. For example, if you have a promotion for UK Mother’s Day that would not apply to your US customers as their Mother’s Day date is another month.

  • Nurturing leads

Email marketing allows you to build up a relationship and share information with the customers that are sitting on the fence. By keeping in touch with them you’ll hopefully, one day, turn them into your loyal customers.

  • Sharing company news 

Keep your audience up to date through email marketing or share a new marketing campaign to build interest. Do you have new opening times? Or are you going to be sponsoring a charity that means a lot to your business? Let your audience know. 

  • Build your brand

Email marketing allows you to build your brand image as you’re sharing content. While you share relevant and valuable information, trust increases amongst your audience. This trust is so important for turning them from leads to customers.

  • Increase traffic to your website

Lead customers from your email marketing to your website by CTAs, this increases traffic and improves SEO. Maybe you ended up reading this blog because you opened one of our emails!

  • Reaching people at the right time

Your email marketing allows you to reach people at the right time. You’ll be able to learn a lot about your audience through your email marketing, including the optimum time they will open and click on their emails. This is great to know for specific marketing campaigns, like a new product launch.

22 employee drawing our lead nurture journey for email marketing on a whiteboard
  • Provide valuable content 

By providing valuable content to your audience, you’ll keep them coming back. Even those who aren’t actively your customer will see the value and pay attention to you. 

Hopefully, you found the above benefits of email marketing useful and understand why it’s important to utilise it as part of your marketing. 

If you need help or simply don’t have the time, 22Group can help. We’d love to have a chat with you. We’re a Manchester based web design company that also offers branding and marketing all under one roof. 

Get in touch and discuss a project!


Top brands on social media

Social media doesn't just keep us connected with friends and family, but it also keeps us connected to all walks of businesses and brands. 

The top brands on social media have a powerful impact, authentic engagement from their followers and clearly showcase their brand identity.

Going onto a brand’s social media, whether that’s Instagram, Facebook or the other platforms, has become part of the shopping experience. People look for validation through pictures, posts, videos and even comments from other customers. 

With social media being a necessity for any business these days, getting some strategy inspiration from the brands that are doing it right is always a good place to start. 

Let’s take a look at the top brands on social media

screenshot of GoPro instagram
  • GoPro

Making the world’s most versatile cameras, GoPro not only showcases their products and how great their cameras are, but they also interact a lot with their followers. They use user-generated content to show the quality of their cameras, it acts as a review for potential customers.

screenshot of Nike's twitter
  • Nike 

Nike focuses a lot on people and athletes on their social media channels. They have attracted the audience’s attention by showing the people who make the brand rather than constantly plugging their products. Nike is also very good at jumping on current affairs and sharing their thoughts, from Black Lives Matter to recognising frontline healthcare workers during the pandemic.

Screenshot of Starbuck's Facebook account
  • Starbucks

Starbucks has managed to grab the attention of its audience by using engaging and colourful visual imagery. Another great brand for voicing and creating campaigns around current topics, they create a lot of relevant content and create products in line with trends.

Screenshot of Greggs twitter post with a girl running on a treadmill.
  • Greggs

Greggs is a well-established brand and often uses humour through its social media. Whether retweeting with a witty comment or using a punny one-liner, Greggs has managed to maintain their image and actively engage with their audience.

Screenshot of etsy instagram account
  • Etsy

Selling a variety of handmade and unique items, Etsy uses its social media to display the work by independent, creative designers. The pandemic increased the message to support small businesses and local independent shops, Etsy’s platform allows customers to do exactly this. The visuals and content posted shows off Etsy’s very warm, welcoming and authentic branding.

screenshot of Farrow & Ball Facebook post
  • Farrow & Ball

A brand inspiring people to use eco-friendly water based paint and handcrafted wallpaper, Farrow & Ball have become well-known. They create a lot of content that is useful, inspiring and gives their individual paint colours personality. 

Did having a look at these top brands help inspire some new and unique content for yourself?

Adding value is very important through social media, don’t just push products and promotions. Give them information that is useful and relevant - connect with your audience, relate to them and create relationships. You want to create a lasting impression.

Are you using your social media to showcase and build up your brand image? 

man on phone browsing through a business' instagram

22Group can help if you’re looking for branding, marketing or web design services. Make a splash! Get in touch, we’d love to help.


22 days of Christmas

Welcome to our digital A-Z jargon-buster as we count down the days to Christmas. 22 is our take on 25 in our Advent Calendar 2020.

Check in every day on our website or across our social media to learn a new word or refresh your vocabulary for websites, branding and marketing - in alphabetical order.

‘Tis the season to share, learn and be merry and we would love you get involved in our Advent Calendar so please share, like and comment!

If your business needs help in unravelling the constantly changing digital world, let us know. Our expert team can help to future-proof your online presence and make a splash through awesome websites, branding and marketing campaign.

We hope you enjoy following our #22daysofchristmas countdown.  

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

A is for Algorithm: Complex programs used by search engines (e.g. Google) to find, rank and return the most relevant pages for search queries.

B is for Breadcrumb: A text path featured at the top of a web page showing where you are on a site. Thanks to Hansel & Gretel for helping us back home.

C is for Canonical tag: Way of telling search engines that a specific URL (Uniform Resource Locator) represents the master copy of a page. Prevents problems caused by duplicate content appearing on multiple URL’s.

D is for Domain: Name used to identify a website’s unique online space e.g. 22group.co.uk Domains are purchased and registered.

E is for Email marketing: Don’t just email your clients – capture, nurture, convert, retain. Do it right and it can be very powerful.

F is for Favicon: A tiny custom icon displayed to the left of your web address in your browser to help give brand or service identity. We have 22 in a circle. What’s yours?

G is for Goal: A measure of  how well your web site fulfils your target objective and represents a completed activity, called a conversion. Do you have your goals set up in Google Analytics?

H is for HTML: Hyper Text Mark-up Language, widely known as the language of the web. HTML are tags or commands informing the web-browser how to present a webpage.

 I is for Infographic: A graphical representation of data or information. A great way of creating and sharing interesting content in marketing campaigns and on social media.

J is for JavaScript: Scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content - anything that moves, changes or refreshes on your screen.

 K is for Keywords: Specific words or phrases which describe your content. It’s what your customers or potential customers would enter into a search engine.

L is for Landing Page: A specific website page which will show up when a particular link is clicked. Just like the one in our caption!

M is for Meta Description: The small amount of text which is seen on search engines before a site is clicked on. It gives a summary of the web page content.

N is for Newsfeed: Where updates from people or brands you follow are shown. Typically on social media, it will show profile changes, new photos uploaded, etc. 

O is for Organic Marketing: When your customers are coming to you naturally without using any paid advertisements to attract them.

P is for Plug-in: An add-on software which brings new functionality to a program or website. It allows customisation, enhancing its capabilities.

Q is for QR Code: A quick response (QR) code is a type of barcode that can be read by a smartphone. Once read, this leads you to a specific website or content page.

R is for Responsive Layout: This is when a website is able to adjust its screen size depending on the digital device that is accessing it.

S is for SEO: Search engine optimisation is the technique of improving your website and its content so that it appears higher in search engine rankings.

T is for Traffic: In relation to a website this refers to the amount of visitors, also known as “sessions”. This is a great way to measure online success. 

U is for UX: User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience of the user’s interaction with a product, system or service.

V if for vlog: Instead of a traditional written blog, a vlog is a video blog. Involving filming experiences, thoughts and opinions to share with a wider audience.

W is for Wireframes: Like a blueprint, a wireframe shows the plan for a web page. It is typically not coloured and more to see the layout, features and spacing.

X is for X-Post: Short for cross-post this refers to posting content on multiple platforms, expanding the audience reach.

Y is for Yak Shaving: In programming this is the need to complete a task, to be able to proceed with the next. Like pulling your Christmas cracker before eating.

Z is for Zip File: A computer file that is compressed. By reducing the size it means it takes up less space and is easier to transport.


Marketing 101

First of all, what exactly is a marketing campaign?

A marketing campaign is a concentrated and focused effort to achieve a business goal. It sets its sights on a specific target and aims to reach it. There are a number of different types of business goals, but some good examples are:

  • Boosting engagement
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Gaining more leads and revenue
  • Increasing sales
  • Promoting specific services
  • Advertising particular events or offers 

Clearly defining your goal is the very first step in a marketing plan. It is the foundation of your campaign and provides every action with clarity. 

Always remember the 3 marketing ‘M’s - your marketing campaign needs to be measurable, meaningful and methodical. 

What makes a campaign successful?

A marketing campaign is successful when it meets its objectives. Simple. 

There are a number of characteristics that strong marketing campaigns have in common. Often these are the goals themselves. Setting a vague goal that is near impossible to measure will destine your campaign for failure.

Instead, successful campaigns use SMART goals to focus their efforts. These are:






Essentially, your campaign needs to have achievable goals that are clearly defined and challenging, but not impossible, to reach. They need to be ‘timely' - in other words, they will benefit from having a targeted finishing time associated with them.

An example of turning a vague goal into a SMART goal is shown below:

Vague goal: ‘Increase website traffic’

More specified goal: ‘Increase website traffic by 30%’

SMART goal: ‘Increase website traffic by 30% by the end of November, via targeted landing pages and social media advertising.’

Want to know more about marketing campaigns?

We have an in house marketing team who would love to chat about how to achieve your business goals.

If you want to find out more call us now on 0333 242 3990.


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