National Tell a Joke Day is coming up on Monday, 16th of August, so we’ve searched far and wide to find the digital related jokes that made us laugh the most.
Jokes about websites
- Grandmothers are like websites
- They keep telling you to accept their cookies
- I was placed under arrest for downloading the whole Wikipedia website
- I told the officer “Wait! I can explain everything!”
- What is the most common job amongst spiders?
- Web design
- How do you comfort a JavaScript bug?
- You console it
Jokes about branding
- How do you deliver fonts?
- By Courier
- Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF
- Two fonts walk into a bar
- The bartender says “we don’t serve your type here”. They called the Serif.
- I’m very font of you because you are just my type.
Jokes about marketing
- Why are SEO experts always late to work?
- They love traffic
- Why did the marketer get fired as a tap dancer?
- They wanted to get paid per click
- Why was the SEO guru upset when she found out she was going to have twins?
- Duplicate content
- I made a joke about organic reach on Facebook
- … nobody got it

Ok, they might not of all had you laughing your socks off but we hope they put a smile on your face!
Share the laughter and send on some of these jokes.
Great websites, branding and marketing are no joke to us. If you need help in creating or refreshing yours then get in touch with us today.