
Wonderful women of 22Group

To recognise International Women’s Day, we're getting to know a snapshot of the women that work at 22Group. 

We asked Pernilla, Paula and Monica some questions to find out more about them.

our marketing director pernilla by the sea

The lady behind strategic marketing plans, clever copy and ideas for exciting campaigns: Pernilla

  • What did you want to be when you were young?

At a young age I was 100% set on being an actress. Later on, a journalist.

  • What was your first job?

Chef / Cleaner at the Centre Medical, Avoriaz, France. Dream job for 6 months - I cooked and cleaned for a few hours each morning then skied for rest of the day. Happy days!

But my first ‘proper’ job after that was as a writer for a local Covent Garden based Magazine, later Managing Editor.

  • What job would you be terrible at?


  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


  • If you could switch roles with someone else in the company, whose would it be?

Ohh tricky one, I would love to have the creative flair and design skills of our Lead Designer Michael and be able to put my words and ideas into designs all on my own. But don’t worry Michael - I can’t draw or design for toffee!

  • What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

“Don’t be a 9-5 in your approach and attitude towards work. It will pay off”.

This does not mean working all hours - I certainly do not endorse that.  It just means, be there to help get things done, help others, be flexible, agile, and a team-player. Strive towards common goals.

I also think being kind is the most undervalued attribute in business and something I have tried to live by.

The lady behind organising schedules, planning projects and delivering top quality service to clients: Paula.

  • What did you want to be when you were young?

A vet, a nurse or working in music. I wasn’t good enough at science to be a vet, I wasn't great at maths and couldn’t use a sewing machine to be a nurse so music it was.

  • What was your first job?

At 13 I cleaned in the local pub at the weekends followed by knocking on doors washing cars. My first proper job was when I was 16, I worked in the record library at Piccadilly Radio in Manchester.

  • What job would you be terrible at? 

Anything legal or bookkeeper

  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Vietnamese bun

  • If you could switch roles with someone else in the company, whose would it be? 

It would be Michael or Robin. Outside of being a project manager I’m creative - I really enjoy writing music and playing guitar. I love the branding and design aspects of our work.

I also wouldn't mind switching with Eddy, I’m a bit geeky but my brain doesn’t go deep enough to get my head around the complexities of development.

our marketing and copywriting executive in Berlin pointing

The lady behind social media posting, website copywriting and blog writing: Monica.

  • What did you want to be when you were young?

A few professions including a scientist, a fashion designer but mostly a teacher.

  • What was your first job?

I worked at a pizza takeaway shop. I got to make pizzas from scratch and stretch them out, but sadly didn’t master doing that in the air.

  • What job would you be terrible at?

I would say bartending, my hearing isn’t 100% and I can’t lip read to save my life! 

  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hm… tricky but I do love a basic spicy tomato pasta. 

  • If you could switch roles with someone else in the company, whose would it be?

One of the designers, I really love the work they produce including the eye-catching marketing materials and social media animations. 

  • What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

To think of any problem as a challenge. Have a positive attitude to any situation. 

We hope you enjoyed getting to know a few of the ladies at 22Group. Even though we're celebrating the ladies, it wouldn’t be a team without a shoutout to the rest of our fantastic colleagues

Looking for a digital agency? 

At 22Group we cover all things branding, website and marketing. Offering all three services under one roof allows us to seamlessly design and create unique and striking work. 

We’re really flexible so whether you’re looking for a whole package or one-off campaign work, we can work with you and your needs.

If you would like to find out more or ask any questions - please get in touch. We’d love to chat about a project you have. 


Importance of videos on social media

Whatever social media platform you’re browsing, you're bound to come by a video. Especially with the introduction of TikTok and the lockdowns we had when staying in was the new going out, more and more video content became available. 

Have you noticed or maybe you’re already familiar with the button at the bottom of your screen when you’re on the Facebook app where it says ‘Watch’ or on Instagram where you can go straight to watching Reels.

Have you found yourself scrolling on TikTok for hours or watching YouTube video after YouTube video? It’s been a long time since social media was just text or images.

Even out of the lockdowns, video content is still a big hit and there are several reasons why businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and producing more and more of it. 

Importance of videos: 

  • Grab your audience’s attention

Videos are great for capturing attention. The start of your video should indicate what it’s about and leave the viewer wanting more. 

Also, video content on social media is great for turning your information into digestible content - easier for the audience to consume. 

  • They encourage conversation

When you provide content that is on-trend or about a popular topic you’re encouraging conversation, opinions and people to engage with your video. 

  • Humanise your brand

By personifying your brand and showing your audience the people and processes behind your business, you’re gaining trust. 

  • Videos are popular

Even pre-pandemic, videos were gaining popularity across all social media platforms. Video is one of the most effective ways to deliver engaging and entertaining content. 

  • Appeal to the Gen Z audience

Gen Z has very much been connected to the internet compared to others and use it for not only entertainment purposes but education as well. 

The introduction and growth of TikTok has become incredibly popular due to this. The user-generated short videos have a great appeal and it’s why many businesses are hopping onto this platform as well. 

  • Can be repurposed 

Quality videos may be more of an investment in terms of time and money but they can be used across all social media platforms, shortened to be put onto Instagram or Facebook stories.

phone filming a video

If you haven’t started creating video content, it’s time to start planning now. It’s a great storytelling tool so share your brand, product or service, industry knowledge and provide entertainment.

There are some category ideas you can use!

About 22Group 

22Group are a digital agency providing all your website, branding and marketing needs under one roof. 

Our fantastic team of experts are on hand to help you deliver successful results. We’re happy to answer any questions or have a chat about any projects - get in touch.


How to make social media accessible

Is your social media content accessible? 

While social media continues to expand with new features, so do its users. By having inclusive content, that is accessible, you can reach a larger audience. 

Especially with the last year and a half, people have been relying on social media and online platforms to interact and keep in touch with people throughout the many lockdowns. For people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, these small, easy changes make a huge difference in their social media experience.

It’s good to take note that smartphones already have some built-in tools to make their device more accessible, including text to speech, enlarging the text and in addition, lots of apps that can do all sorts. 

Tips to make your social media content more accessible: 

  • Image descriptions

Sometimes known as alternative text (alt text), an image description allows a screen reader to describe an image out loud. A lot of content on social media platforms are visual and the image descriptions really allow them to imagine the post.

Tip: keep it short and concise, the key features will help paint a picture.

  • Subtitle videos

Where possible for video content, create subtitles for them. There are many apps which can help do this for you or if you are posting on Facebook, it does have the functionality to automatically create subtitles, however, it may not be 100% accurate.

  • CamelCase hashtags

By capitalising the first word in a hashtag, it makes it easier to read not only for screen readers when they read aloud but also for everyone else. 


  • Emoji usage

If a screen reader is being used they will pick up on the emojis, so if you use a lot in one go it could go something like “Hugging face. Hugging face. Hugging face. Hugging face. Hugging face.”. Now, that’s pretty annoying! 

All of these are simple yet effective ways to make social media more accessible. 

While technology develops, keep an eye out for new accessibility tools being revealed on platforms. 

Need help with your social media? 

At 22Group, we can slot right in where you need help whether that’s creating impactful social media assets or doing the leg work and posting on your platforms. Our flexible, experienced marketing team are happy to listen to your needs and work with you to achieve your goals. 

Ready to have a chat? Get in touch with us today


0333 242 0647

26 Dale Street, Manchester, M1 1FY
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Our partners

22 Group is the umbrella company for creative work.

Check out our specialised branches for work in the property and finance sectors: Property Stream | Finance Stream

22 Group is a proud member of The Pride, an alliance of independent creative and communications companies.

Copyright © 22 Group Ltd. 2020. All rights reserved.