Love it or loath it, it’s time for some Valentine love. This year more than ever we need love all around but as the coronavirus pandemic has already resulted in a global outpouring of love, we hardly need reminding.
February has become a month synonymous with showing love and kindness and we felt it was timely so share some heartfelt words in this week’s blog.
Short and sweet, in two words - THANK YOU.
Thank you to our existing client.
For being supportive, encouraging and accepting of seeing our faces only over Zoom. We love face to face contact with clients and know this is really valuable for all parties, but have remained firmly devoted to the government’s recommendation to work from home since the first lock-down in March 2020. Many of us are Manchester based, so we’ve pretty much seen a continuous lockdown or strict covid tier systems in place throughout.
Thank you for accepting the odd interruption of home-schooling, pets barking, delivery people at the door and DIY home-improvements happening in the background. Thank you for your patience and good sense of humour as, the thankfully rare, internet connections suffered hic-ups resulting in hilarious robotic, delayed voices and unflattering frozen screens.
With the exception these common home-working incidents, thankfully, our productivity and ability to deliver the highest levels of customer service that 22 Group clients should expect, has not suffered at all. Indeed our systems, platforms and processes were already fully integrated and digital making online-only and remote working a seamless transition.

Thank you to our new clients.
We have reported previously that the whirlwind of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 has been one of the busiest periods for website design and website build, branding and design projects as well as digital marketing support since 22 Group was formed in 2012. One of the reasons for an increase in the number of website, branding and marketing projects we’re working on in Manchester, London and across the country, has been as a result of the need for businesses across all sectors to ensure their digital profile is optimum.
Many businesses who had to close shop-fronts, branches and offices in line with lockdown guidelines realised over-night that the only way for customers and the general public to see and engage with them was online - and predominantly their website which is most often the first point of contact.
This has resulted in welcoming a number of new clients to 22 Group - thank you for choosing to work with us. Our values at 22 Group include being friendly, committed, confident and straight-talking, and we are very lucky to work with people and companies who echo these. It makes working together so much easier, more productive and more fun and for this, we say thank you.

Thank you to our colleagues, suppliers and partners.
We desperately want to be working together again from our Manchester office and London office, we long to visit our website, branding and marketing clients across the country or meet partners and suppliers for seminars, training or strategy workshops.
With the growth we have experienced over the last 12 months, we have had the opportunity to expand our team too with several colleagues actually joining 22 Group remotely. We have cemented new relationships with suppliers and providers of relevant products and services linked to our website development work and long to meet our new-comers face to face as soon as we’re allowed.
Thank you to everyone for being patient and for doing what we can to help make our new colleagues and partners to feel welcome to the team, over Zoom!
So from our home to yours, we offer a heartfelt thank you.
Let’s share the love and be kind this Valentine’s Day, throughout February and beyond. And don’t forget, random acts of kindness should never be overlooked.