The importance of specialised marketing and brand strategies for architects
Traditionally, architecture wasn't a sector that embraced bold marketing or branding strategies.
It was a sector that relied on word-of-mouth referrals and an existing reputation in certain circles.
The reasons for this could be that architecture services aren't immediately easy for the general public to grasp.

Marketing an unclear concept can be a roadblock to both architects and marketers. A lack of understanding in both sectors may have limited how marketing and branding were historically handled.
This seems to be changing - which can only be good news for architects and architecture firms.
Architecture - such a visual sector - has much to gain from bold marketing and branding strategies.
‘Sometimes, the resulting confusion over what the end product offered by architecture studios actually is - a built object, a service, or a spatial experience - leads to ineffective branding and marketing strategies.’ - Anca Mitrache, 'Branding and Marketing, An Architect's Perspective.'
A brand strategy will inform every aspect of a business. From briefing clients to the company's visual identity, to communicating throughout a project, a cohesive brand strategy will maintain consistency at every level.
For architecture studios who want to branch out their client base, up-and-coming architects or for studios wanting to revitalize their services, branding and marketing is essential.

In the past, architects tended to market to other architects. That involved displaying their portfolio proudly, using technical jargon and attempting to appear as impressive as possible.
Where this sector may have been missing a trick is through clear and easy to understand branding.
Translate services into simple ideas
Simple branding could appeal to a wider prospective audience, and disrupt the market by translating specialist services into layman's terms. The market reach of this type of branding could be huge.
Can we help with your branding? Call 0333 242 3990 to chat to an expert.