At 22 Group we realise the importance of a motivated workforce. From placement students to senior website developers, each and every employee should feel like they are part of the team. A motivated workforce has several benefits to a company…here’s just 5 of them listed below:

Return on investment -

Invest in your people and they will invest in you! If you’re spending company money on training and developing your workforce you should be seeing some return on investment - with your staff more able to take on new skills and responsibilities. This helps you keep more work managed in-house and saves expensive outsourcing costs! If employees are motivated at work and feel you’re investing in their long term development, the return will be higher and it is likely the employee will continue to work for the company, rather than look to go elsewhere, leading to what every company aspires to - a low staff turnover.

Reduced absenteeism -

This one is quite obvious… If you are unmotivated at work, you are less likely to want to go in and not as likely to contribute to great ideas when you get there. By keeping your team as motivated as possible, levels of absenteeism should vastly reduce.

Increased productivity -

Motivated staff are productive staff. Not only is the quality of work provided likely to be better, the amount of work produced should be higher. Also a well valued, healthy workforce will be more positive, more engaged and bring more to the team!

Promoting an open and honest culture -

Many companies will send round a yearly questionnaire on job satisfaction but how accurate do you think the results are? The best way to promote an open and honest culture is by keeping your workforce motivated by encouraging them to speak out about any concerns, be able to put their ideas forward and know their opinions are valued.

Reputation and recruitment -

Finally, reputation is everything. If your workforce is happy and motivated performing at the highest caliber, the type of new employees you will attract are likely to be of better quality. A company with good perks and a good reputation is a company that people will want to work at. When your staff are out and about with their friends who are living for the weekend you want them talking about how motivated they feel on a Monday morning!